
The 拜占庭音乐证书 program equips students with a mastery of the skills required for chanting the sacred hymns of the Orthodox Church. 该方案提供了透彻的知识,诗篇记谱系统, 模态系统的理论框架, 能看懂各种复杂程度的乐谱, and an extensive familiarity with the contents and usage of liturgical books and the rubrics of the Orthodox Church. 在完成其要求后, students will be able to perform all musical parts of the daily liturgical cycle and the sacraments of the Orthodox Church.


1. 诗篇艺术符号系统的知识.
2. 八模理论知识
3. Ability to sight-read musical scores in psaltic notation at all levels of complexity
4. 完全熟悉音乐书籍的内容和用法
5. 广泛熟悉礼仪书籍的内容和用法
5. Extensive familiarity with the rubrics of liturgical services in the Byzantine Rite
6. Ability to perform all the musical parts of the daily office of the Greek Orthodox Church
7. Ability to perform all the musical parts of the sacraments of the Greek Orthodox Church


Enrollment in this program is open to candidates for the degree of Master of Divinity as well as other interested students. The core curriculum required for a successful completion of the program consists of the following courses: History of Byzantine Music and Hymnography, 教会英文圣歌, 拜占庭音乐I-X. The curriculum is in accordance with the standards in conservatories and schools of Byzantine Music in Greece. 报名参加这个项目的学生是必须的, 除了他们的正式课堂培训, to participate in choral work and apply their chanting skills daily in the Chapel.

对于希望参加证书课程的MDiv候选人, 拜占庭音乐七-X and History of Byzantine Music and Hymnography must be taken in addition to the elective courses required for the MDiv program. 完成所要求的课程后, students must also pass a comprehensive final oral examination before a designated committee of specialists.

Other interested persons not enrolled at 圣十字 may submit an application package with proof of psaltic knowledge and skills and apply for the examination that leads to certification.


Individuals who are not enrolled in one of the theological programs (henceforth referred to as Psaltic Art students) are required to follow a specialized, 严格的两年制课程, 由19个组成.5个学分. 他们也受到鼓励, 但不是必需的, 选修:选修神学课程, 新约希腊文, 现代希腊, 服务评估准则, 和礼拜学. Psaltic Art students are also required to participate in the 圣十字 Byzantine choral groups and expected to join the cantors’ choirs during liturgical services. 另外, in their second year they may be asked to lead chant labs and may be considered for a chant group leader position.



秋季学期 春季学期
第一年 第一年
服务评估准则 1.5 cr. 拜占庭音乐I 1.5 cr.
唱诗班 0.5 cr. 圣周研讨会 0 cr.
唱诗班 0.5 cr.
秋季学期 春季学期
第二年 第二年
拜占庭音乐II 1.5 cr. 拜占庭音乐III 1.5 cr.
拜占庭音乐IV 1.5 cr. 拜占庭音乐V 1.5 cr.
唱诗班 0.5 cr. 拜占庭音乐七 1.5 cr.
拜占庭音乐九 1.5 cr.
唱诗班 0.5 cr.
拜占庭音乐VI 1.5 cr.
拜占庭音乐VIII 1.5 cr.
拜占庭音乐X 1.5 cr.
唱诗班 0.5cr

学生有机会采取额外的音乐产品时,可用的. For example, Voice Class, History of Byzantine Music, and 教会英文圣歌.


为了获得拜占庭音乐的圣十字证书, eligible MDiv candidates and Psaltic Art students must successfully pass a comprehensive oral examination before a designated committee.

了解 考试过程


学费: 19.5学分x $950/学分= $18,525
期末考试费用(由专家组个别评定): $1,500
资格费: $300 charged to chanters trained outside HCHC who plan only to sit for final exam


  • 学生费用-与HCHC学生相同的费用,但没有毕业费
  • Housing – same amount for same units as HCHC students, but given lower priority in selection process
  • 大学折扣-符合条件,但优先级低于HCHC学生

*HCHC students will not be charged additional tuition to enroll in this program unless they go into overload (>18 credits/semester), in which case they will be charged $950/credit for credits exceeding 18 per semester.


所有有兴趣的候选人必须填写 拜占庭音乐应用证书n. 此外,考生必须提交:

  • A cover letter with a brief autobiographical statement indicating why you are interested in the program
  • 更新后的简历
  • 你最近的成绩单
  • 任何文凭/学位复印件
  • 两封推荐信(至少一封来自过去的导师)
  • 申请费50元,不予退还

Please return the application and all corresponding documents to Nick Moutsioulis, 招生副主任, at nmoutsioulis@zhicheng001.com,或邮寄至:

